Shady ElGhannam

Born in 1989, Egyptian, graduated from the Faculty of Commerce English section. I have had the passion for photography since childhood. I decided to get my first professional camera on January  2012. That was when my journey in the field of photography started.

What is my ultimate goal

My ultimate goal is to create timeless photos
After being part of the wedding photography industry since 2016, I can say that some pictures can stand out and look amazing for a limited period of time, and other pictures can stand out forever. My belief is that wedding photos should last for generations. As I still have my parents’ wedding photos in my study. And I love looking at old family wedding photos. They’re a way to connect with my family who are no longer around. That's how I like my photos to be; Timeless, Stand out over the time, To be a heritage for generation after another. 

How do I achieve that goal 

Tell a story with a picture

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Capture true emotions

A timeless photo typically captures the moments of humans emotional intense.  True emotions; like joy, sadness, love, happiness, etc... in such a way that an audience can relate to it, even years later — more so if that moment is gone. 

Keep it natural and simple

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla blandit commodo dui, et volutpat nulla iaculis eu. Cras cursus arcu sit amet elit tempor laoreet. Maecenas eleifend rhoncus nibh, sit amet pellentesque magna mattis. Vivamus non est pharetra, volutpat velit id, rhoncus velit. Nam sed hendrerit lorem, in venenatis odio.

Nunc nec sapien et magna malesuada pellentesque. Maecenas fermentum arcu velit, et aliquet risus fringilla non.

My Approach